New android tv platform

At this year’s Google I/O event, Google introduced their new version of Android TV platform, based on their newest version of Android P.

Apart from the refreshed user interface, the most notable addition is full integration of Google Assistant, which is supposed to bring TV sets back into the focus of your living room again. Controlling and selecting your content, as well as managing other IoT devices in your smart home is now possible through Android TV platform enabled devices, which makes those tasks a whole lot easier. If the viewer does not have Android TV compatible tv set or STB, Google introduced the JBL Link Bar, which combines a sound bar, Google assistant and a hub for up to three HDMI enabled devices and countless IoT devices in your home. It is literally a centerpiece of the home as the user is able to control everything with simple voice phrases such as “play last episode of Game of Thrones on Netflix” or “dim the lights in the living room”.

Along with that, Google simplified the integration of these functionalities with the introduction of the new SDK for developers, giving them the full power to integrate and manage new features into third-party devices. In addition, new performance optimizations for low-end devices will enable developers to restrict the performance of the platform (for example exclude animations) so that there is less need for processing power. This shows that Google is really eager to push Android TV platform on to more devices and take a bigger piece of smart tv pie. As they are also trying to expand onto cable boxes, and have more and more apps available on Android TV Play store, it will be interesting to see if they can keep doubling their platform integrations over the next years.

Here at Beenius, we are working hard to implement all the novelties into our latest Beenius platform, and offer latest Android TV functionalities to our customers. We are confident that this will increase our viewer’s engagement and enrich the user experience even further.

Take a look at an in-depth review of all the new Android TV platform features.

For more information about how Beenius platform is working on Android TV, feel free to contact our representative!

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