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Traditional pay TV subscriptions are in decline

According to nScreenMedia, traditional pay television services are in full decline. The top seven public operators lost 2 million subscribers in 2017. The damage could be much worse in 2018.
The traditional pay television industry in the United States had its worst year ever in 2017. The top seven public companies, which jointly account for 85% of pay TV subscribers, lost 3 million residential subscribers. Satellite operators in the United States lost 5.4% of its customers. Cable operators held up the best in the face of this broad overall decline.
Are you willing to accept these dark predictions or you have decided to change your numbers for the better in 2018?

The ways to skyrocket your business

Choosing the suitable middleware vendor is only one of the components within the ecosystem that operators need to establish in order to offer the best TV experience. At Beenius we offer our customers consultancy services that utilise our more than 15 years of experience in software development and system integration. Building successful ecosystems is our passion. We help operators and service providers choose the right E2E technology to support their video streaming service, we assist with end-to-end solution design, provide 3rd party technical solution verification, and can also customize optimal replacement scenario proposals.

Beside consultancy services, operators and service providers can also benefit from:

  • Beenius’ pay-as-you-grow approach that enables service providers to start with a moderate number of subscribers and extend the system according to the actual growth of the subscriber base.
  • Beenius enables service providers to manage their subscribers, content, devices, subscriptions, and T-Commerce all within one web-based administration application.
  • The Beenius Interactive TV Platform is an end user- and content-oriented platform which builds subscriber loyalty with its content discovery (e.g. extensive search and recommendations features) and social features. On the other hand, features such as Targeted Advertising and T-Commerce help increase income per subscriber; others, such as auto-provisioning and OSS/BSS automation, help lower operating costs.
  • The Beenius Interactive TV Platform serves different TV service types, including: IPTV service with STBs in a managed IP networkOTT service on mobile and/or STB devices, as well as Linux-based STBs to Android-based STBs – just to name a few. The platform also allows the simple introduction of a different type of TV service and easy migration of subscribers between them.
  • Beenius services are offered on several types of consumer devices, ranging from Linux-based STBs, to Android-based STBs, Android-based TV sets, and Android- and iOS-based tablets and smartphones. Comprehensive TV service is ensured over multiple devices, and even more smooth subscriber migration between devices (e.g. from Linux- to Android-based STBs) is supported by the Beenius Interactive TV Platform.
  • Beenius offers comprehensive interfaces for client applications and devices, VOD servers, and OSS/BBS systems. They are based on standard technologies which allows fast integration into the customer’s ecosystem. Our customers are not tied down to a one-vendor solution, but are free to customize the TV service ecosystem according to their preferences. The Beenius Platform is already integrated with many STB and VOD vendors, which increases flexibility and enables service providers to optimize the price-performance ratio for a complete solution.
  • The Beenius Interactive TV Platform offers a simplestraightforward, and well-defined interface for quick development of client applications on different platforms. Every Beenius client application uses Open API to communicate with the Beenius Server: Linux-based STBsAndroid-based STBs, iOS, and Android mobile applications. The operator or software developer can use Open API to develop its own client application, or to extend the functionality of Beenius’s client applications.
  • For process automation and integration in operators’ OSS/BSS landscape, the Beenius Interactive TV Platform offers OB API. External provisioning systems are able to access and configure the following: subscribers, devices, content, subscriptions, packages, price lists, purchases, EPG metadata, advertising, etc.
  • To help solving the content discovery issue, Beenius Interactive TV Platform includes an extensive search and recommendation system, and also the advertising features. They give service providers the additional means to increase revenue. Advertising features enables the display of advertisement banners in various places of the user interface, and also video clip ads within VOD content. Social features, such as Social Log-in, the Freemium business model, and Social Networks Share, help increase subscriber engagement and loyalty.

Beenius forms a team of 50+ highly skilled professionals whose main goal is to empower operators with an Interactive TV platform, and support them with skills and expertise in designing, setting-up, and operating end-to-end IPTV, OTT, or Hybrid IPTV/OTT+DVB solutions.

If you are looking to skyrocket your business in 2018, don’t hesitate to contact a Beenius representative for a demo presentation of the Beenius Interactive TV Platform today!

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