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From the traditional ‘one-to-many’ broadcast approach, brands and advertisers want to move to one-to-one conversations with targeted audiences and measure the direct impact of these engagements. (Digital TV Europe, Multiscreen & OTT 2017, August 2017)
Brands and advertisers want to move away from the traditional one-to-many broadcast approach and move to one-to-one conversations with the targeted audience, as well as measure the direct impact of these engagements.

Today the technology already enables affordable targeting of specific audience/locations, and major brands can use their customer data and creativity to engage with key audience groups more effectively. But major changes are still to happen in the OTT world.

When we talk about OTT delivery, the ads are sold independently from the traditional broadcast, and different platforms show different ads. Selling the OTT platform ads separately from the traditional distribution opens up additional revenue, and this should be taken into consideration for the future of advertising.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to have a one-to-one understanding of a subscriber’s profile and interests, and the ability to communicate directly to the individual. This is something that the internet has done very successfully. No OTT provider is currently delivering 100% personalized and targeted ad placements. However providing individualized streams via OTT is possible, and this is where the industry is headed. (Digital TV Europe, Multiscreen & OTT 2017, August 2017)

Combining the virtues of broadcast and OTT to deliver a hybrid solution adapted for personalized advertising, is considered as the ultimate goal. If a service provider could deliver ads via OTT and incorporate (introduce, integrate) them seamlessly into the broadcast stream, “the result would be a powerful personalized advertising capability,” according to Kai-Christian Borchers, managing director at multiscreen software provider 3 Screen Solutions. (Digital TV Europe, Multiscreen & OTT 2017, August 2017)

According to Dragoslav Radin, General Manager at Beenius, OTT services have proved that infrastructure can handle unicast video streaming. Catch-up and time shift viewing is increasing. Old times of unidirectional broadcasting are far from over, but eventually, they will become the thing of the past. Customers can be served based on their preferences, viewing habits, advanced prediction models. They will include not only video viewing and ad interaction data but much broader digital reconstruction of user’s whole life.

Dynamically inserted ads into both live TV and content consumed on-demand, such as catch-up, time shift or VoD, are a new direction for advertising. Programmatic ad space buys and sells markets will be extended from digital only to video and TV. TV advertising still has the greatest impact on brand perception and their value. Brands should engage with the new technologies directly to connect with their audience on a higher level.

At Beenius we introduced targeted advertising within our IPTV products eight years ago, and we have evolved tremendously since then. We are developing tailored E2E solutions for each provider according to his data and understanding of his audience as our goal, is to enable an operator to have one-to-one conversations with targeted audiences and to measure the direct impact of those engagements, said Dragoslav Radin General Manager at Beenius.

At this year’s IBC show, Beenius will present the solutions using data sources that extend beyond TV, video, web for precise customer targeting, and on demand video regardless of the selected medium. Visit Beenius at stand 14.c30 and book a meeting today!

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