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Did you know that connected consumers across APAC are watching more video content than ever before, according to the findings from Kantar TNS’s Connected Life . The study reveals that people are consuming a wide variety of online video – from online TV or subscription services like Netflix, to free video on platforms such as YouTube and via social content that appears in their social feeds.

Knowing your customers is one of the most important parts of your business, if you are an operator trying to hold on to your customers or you are looking to attract new ones.

The information that is beneficial to you in the process of becoming Viewers’ First Choice is for sure:

  • 64% of connected consumers across APAC are watching online video content daily
  • Video content is being consumed daily in a variety of ways:
    • 77% Broadcast TV
    • 57% Free Online videos (YouTube)
    • 54% Videos on social networks
    • 24% Online TV (free)
    • 14% Online subscription (Netflix)
  • Traditional TV content is still strong across the region:
    • 2h spent watching broadcast TV daily in APAC region
    • 1,6h spent watching online video content daily in APAC region

The results reveal that traditional, live-broadcast TV content is still alive and well, with 77 % of connected consumers in Asia Pacific still tuning into traditional TV, watching on average 2 hours every day. This online video consumption is incremental, meaning that people are watching it in addition to their existing TV viewing habits.

The type of content that people are seeking out is also evolving. Popular video content no longer has to be professionally produced, with one in three (33 %) connected consumers saying that most of the content that they watch online is produced by ‘people like me’ or celebrities. People are also open to video content from brands, with 27 % of connected consumers watching this on a weekly basis.

Today is important not only to understand the habits but to know your customers. Many assume it’s only young people who are spending a lot of time watching online content, however older generations are not getting left behind. The study found that older Baby Boomers (55-65 years old) in emerging APAC markets watch 1.4 hours of online video daily, just less than the 1.7 hours being watched by young Millennials (16-24 years old).

Now that you know how the consumer in APAC region behave, what is their interest and what they expect from the operator is our turn. What Beenius can offer is Interactive TV platform that would match all of your expectations and help you monetize from different features. We understand the operators needs, and we listen to customers on the market, all in the line so that you can become ViewersFirst Choice.

If you are looking for one platform for IPTV, OTT, and Hybrid solutionSaaS cloud-based over-the-top service –Nubolymultiscreen and social TV features, platform that would support Android and Linux STBs or you are looking for a consultancy services of the experts in the IPTV/OTT segments, we are the team to contact.

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