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Almost every great invention trough time becomes outdated and is replaced by something faster, lighter, securer, more powerful or more intuitive. Nothing wrong with that, this is progress. Do you still remember Walkman?

Techcrunch, a leading online technology publisher made a list stating that cash and credit cards, USB sticks, Passwords, paper agreements and TV remotes will disappear in five years.

TV remotes go back almost as long as TV. First one was developed in 1920s and was tellingly named »Lazy Bones«. But as TV evolved, remotes become more and more impractical. Not only that with the introduction of IPTV you had to master some 40 plus keys, but now you had to use two remotes at the same time to watch your favorite shows.


One of the alternatives which is already quite spread and well received by viewers is a flying mouse. A small device which comes as close as it can get to intuitiveness of mobile applications and it works perfectly together with Beenius Android STB and Android TV Application.

But the true game changers are mobile devices. Smart phones and tablets are perfect for video discovery and if you want enjoy in premium video experience you just push selected content to your TV. If you are not sure about that, just ask the first Millennial you come by.

For that reason Beenius as trend setters were one of the first in the industry who enabled Chromecast support and also developed its own content push feature, called Beenius Fling. With it viewers can push selected content from mobile devices to the STB (Linux or Android) or Android-based TV seamlessly.

If you would like to have more information about Beenius Interactive TV Platform and all the available products, please contact Beenius Representative today!

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