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Report by MRG says that more and more devices are moving to a mobile world, and that the ability to deliver high quality, Hi-definition video streams across home networks to devices using multiple formats and screen sizes is crucial to the success of content and services providers.

The article about the report says that: »The analyst calculates that the vast majority of CE devices currently shipping today are what it defines as “connectable” and expects shipments of these devices to grow to roughly 2.5 billion in 2017, representing a compound annual growth rate of 16.5%. The report revealed that smartphones were far and away the largest connected device segment shipping in 2012, followed by digital televisions and then notebooks. Tablets are expected to achieve parity with notebooks and surpass digital televisions in shipments beginning in 2015, and MRG believes that by 2017 tablets will be second only to smartphone shipments, representing a combined share of nearly 75% of an increasingly mobile connectable device ecosystem.«
Other devices, such as laptops, game consoles, streaming media and Blu-ray players help to contribute to the increasing prevalance of connecting devices.

MRG report conclude that with technologies advancing in leaps and bounds, and users’ increased expectations of having video content available anywhere at anytime they want, the pace of change has almost surpassed the abilities of entertainment and media companies to keep opportunity for connectable devies, to understand how the different technologies present in the living room can fit side by side.

Sources for this blog are Rapid News and MRG report.

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