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Albis Technologies and Beenius renew vows with an attractive promotional offer for IBC2013, September 13 – 17, where selected visitors will be given SceneGate Micro STB with Beesmart middleware by Beenius at the Albis Technologies Stand No.14.560.



Based on a strong partnership, certified STB portfolio, and mutual customer deployments the companies will be jointly promoting Albis Technologies’ state-of-the-art SceneGate Micro STB with pre-installed Beesmart middleware. The “Plug and Play STB-oxes” are formatted and require no additional installments from the user, except to input an Authorization code into the system after pressing Play on the device.

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SceneGate Micro STB from Albis Technologies with Beesmart middleware
SceneGate Micro STB from Albis Technologies with Beesmart middleware

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