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We had many visitors today at our booth! Beenius team has demonstrated the latest features of Beesmart middleware and BeeSocial TV with all the features for subscriber’s communication with their friends while watching TV.

We hope you got one of the 100 Dune HD TV-102AW connected set-top box with progressive Beesmart TV middleware and Acutek Solution SaaS delivery platform running on Beenius technology and that yesterday you heard Beenius CEO, Matjaž Bevk’s speech about Social TVSocial TV concept exists in our society since the invention of TV, in Connected Media World.

We hope that you enjoyed your time with us at our booth and got the information you needed about our best Beesmart! See you next year in 2014 NAB Show!

Please let us know what impression you got at this year’s NAB Show in Las Vegas.

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