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Beenius invites you to experience Beesmart demontration at BakuTel 2012 in Azerbaijan, at Deps’ stand No. 1032, November 6-9!

Beenius will be exhibiting at BakuTel 2012Azerbaijan International Telecommunications and Information Exhibition, with our valued partner DEPS Ukraine, at stand No. 1032. Visit the Deps’ stand and be a part of Beesmart experience and demonstration of the latest Social TV features!


BakuTel 2012 is the largest event for telecommunications equipment, management systems, ICT and communications services in the Caspian region. BakuTel 2012 will take place from 6 to 9 November 2012 at Baku Expo Center and feature 200 exhibiting companies from 30 countries! See you at stand No. 1032!

BakuTel 2012 official webpage: www.bakutel.az

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