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Customer: Orion Telekom (Serbia)
Project: IPTV and OTT for residential and hospitality market



Orion Telekom, one of the leading telecoms and internet providers in Serbia, required an advanced TV middleware with flexible service delivery platform for serving their subscribers’ needs in managed and unmanaged networks. One of many advantages of Beesmart is that the platform enables Orion Telekom independent adaptation and customization of the GUI, according to their own look and feel and according to the needs of their corporate customers. In addition, Orion Telekom is able to deliver interactive TV experience to their subscribers over wireless broadband access with Beesmart technology. Today Orion Telekom offers IPTV services to different hotels from one single platform, which is provided on the basis of it’s B2B business platform supported by Beesmart. The company is offering a rich set of diverse hospitality features on the market as well interfaces to most commonly used PMS systems, supported by Beesmart technology.

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