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ANGA Cable Show 2012 hosted over 400 exhibitors. Beenius attended this year’s show in partnership with our valued partners, which presented Beesmart middleware at their booths.




Our partners gave live presentations of  Beesmart, an open, flexible and feature-rich interactive TV service platform for Telco, Cable and OTT service providers.

We would like to give special thanks to the following partners that successfully presented Beesmart at ANGA:

  •  Albis Technologies Ltd.
  • Dune HD GmbH
  • Motama GmbH
  • TechnoTrend Görler GmbH
  • Verimatrix
  • Vestel
  • Astro Strobel Kommunikationssysteme GmbH
  • Blankom Antennentechnik GmbH

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