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Customer: Europa Network (Spain)
Project: Europa Network’s IPTV middleware replacement


Europa Network, the largest fixed line telecom company for the expatriate community in Spain and one of the largest wireless (WiMax) providers, was looking for a suitable middleware provider to replace their existing IPTV middleware platform. Beenius turned out to be the best partner for this project – the Beesmart TV service platform was able to be integrated into Europa Network’s existing platform without extensive interruption of its services, which are used by numerous subscribers. Beenius managed to successfully ensure smooth migration of the subscribers from the existing IPTV middleware platform to the new Beesmart platform in a rapid and cost-effective manner. Another advantage of Beenius’s system was the integration and reuse of the already existing legacy of Europa Network’s STBs. The company did not need to replace its existing STBs with new ones, and could choose among 12 different Beenius certified STB vendors for its new subscribers.

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