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According to the Nikola Sander from the Vienna Institute of Demography in Austria, who found the trends using United Nations data the largest migrations are from middle-income countries to high-income countries. Of course there are some exceptions, which are shown in the interactive graphic below.



The migrant population are a huge niche nowadays for operators which are trying to reconnect the migrants with their homeland through TV content.

With the Beenius Multi-access platform operators can reach subscribers on different access networks, i.e. on xDSL, FTTx, and 3G/4G networks or using DVB-x services and Interactive TV services can be offered over managed (IPTV service) or unmanaged (OTT service) networks. With Beenius you are no longer tied to accessing only the network under your control only. Services can be offered to any end user with an internet connection, thus transcending national borders. You can choose among a wide range of Beenius client apps that cover every type of user screen: TV, STB, smartphone, tablet, and computer and offer them to your viewers. In an N-Screen solution the viewer can consume content on different screens, different devices at different times or even at the same time. Furthermore, the user can use mobile devices to simply search, discover, and research content and then transfer it to the TV or STB to watch it on a big TV screen.

If you find Beenius Interactive TV Platform the product which you would consider offering to your existing or new clients, please contact Beenius Representative today. In the meantime read information about Beenius latest version and find out what we have prepared for you in 4.2.

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