Press Release - Beenius and Tango Luxembourg

Tango Luxembourg is leveraging the perfect fit with a future-proof and modern Interactive TV Platform by Beenius.

• The Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables Tango Luxembourg to offer their customers a content-oriented user experience on Android STB devices for IPTV and OTT content.

• Tango introduces this new mobile and tablet application on both Android and iOS devices, as well as an enhanced user experience with many new features such as: personal recordings, content replay, recording of series, multi variants per VOD content, VOD Recommendations, and many more.

• The Beenius TV platform also enables Tango’s users to have a continual experience across all devices from mobile/tablet devices to the big screen over an Android STB device.

Ljubljana – September 13, 2018 – Beenius, a provider of the highly-advanced Interactive TV Platform and Tango Luxembourg, the leading alternative operator offering TV, internet, and fixed and mobile telephony services today announces the successful cooperation which has resulted in a new and modern TV Platform for Tango’s users.

Tango Luxembourg is a leading operator that is always looking for new solutions that provide up-to-date functionalities and solutions for their clients. They were looking for a modern and future-proof TV platform that would not only follow the latest market standards and trends, but one that will create them.

Tango’s market and customer research showed that it was time to enhance the TV Platform with new functionalities such as NPVR and Replay. The enhancements were crucial in order to fit the market needs, and the adaptive Beenius Interactive TV Platform was the perfect fit. Additionally, Tango was also looking to introduce Android STB devices for IPTV, as well as OTT mobile device application for iOS and Android mobile/tablet. Beenius was one of the pioneers of Android STB solutions for both IPTV and OTT, and is known as a system integrator that is capable of offering complete, end-to-end solutions from the headend to the applications.

Beenius provided an end-to-end solution with a future-proof TV Platform which serves both IPTV and OTT content from a single platform across all devices to all end users. This represents extended value for all of Tango’s customers, as the viewing experience for each family member is carefully observed, and content can be tailor-made and recommended for each family member. On top of that, Beenius also enabled Tango to offer an Android STB experience, and in this way helped operators stay on top of market standards.

“We were looking for an innovative solution that will bring our TV product to the next level, enabling new features for our customers. The difficulty in such a process was to find a technical solution that will fit our market needs, but also its size. Meeting all of these criteria, Beenius offer was considered the best solution and we hope our customers enjoy this brand new way of watching TV,” concludes Luis Camara, Consumer Business Unit Director of Tango Luxembourg.

“Beenius as media system integrator and interactive TV solution provider strives to support Operators that wish to implement and offer novel ways of video offerings. Tango was fast to recognize and adopt the benefits of Android STBs. Beside mentioned Tango also implemented IPTV and OTT solution and offered it on all consumption devices, all from the same platform. Implemented solution and good cooperation brought added value to both companies that wish to innovate in the sphere of media offerings. “concludes Filip Remškar, CEO of Beenius.

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