What do you think about our website?
Do you think our website netsolution.beenius.tv presents our Beesmart middleware well enough?
Do you think our website netsolution.beenius.tv presents our Beesmart middleware well enough?
The Beenius Academy TR1: Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration finished yesterday.
Join us at our BeeForum, where you can ask our Beenius specialist about our middleware and other products, tell us about your opinion and experiences with Beesmart.
Beenius team came home very excited. We got many new contacts and we have met our potential clients in North America.
Follow us on Social Media networks. Join us on Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube.
The Online Beenius Academy course, which provides a complete training for Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration, started on April 15th.
We hope your visit to the NAB Show was a success! So what happened in Las Vegas??
We had many visitors today at our booth! Beenius team has demonstrated the latest features of Beesmart middleware and BeeSocial TV with all the features for subscriber’s communication with their friends while watching TV.
Beenius CEO, Matjaž Bevk, held a very successful speech on Social TV at NAB Show.