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This is a special edition of BeeSmart News prepared to celebrate the upcoming major industry event IP&TV World Forum 2012 in London. By reading further you will find out what BeeSmart team has prepared for this occasion to pamper your curiosity.



A Cloud that serves up to your expectations

Despite the fact that you cannot touch it or even see, it is universal and it is changing your world faster than you can ever imagine. Through any kind of device that has a connection to the internet you can reach it from wherever you are. It is affordable, it is simple, it is flexible – it is BeeSmart in the Cloud. This particular Cloud is the one that will change your perspective of TV business forever.

As so many companies worldwide also BeeSmart decided to embrace the benefits of a Cloud and joined in with BeeSmart Middleware in the ever growing world of Clouds. Because IPTV services are now reachable through Cloud on a global level, each subscriber with broadband internet access can use BeeSmart Middleware platform with rich multimedia services any time and any place. It offers numerous choices of accessing the service through PC, mobile phones, tablets, Connected TV sets or more than 10 different STB devices.

Now you can easily deploy a worldwide TV service from a single distribution service center and reach any customer with broadband internet connection. BeeSmart Cloud represents safe and reliable product that will make an impact to each user with simple and fast user interface for everyone.

Mark in your calendar the dates from 20th to 22nd March 2012 to visit IPTV World Forum 2012 in London. BeeSmart will be distributing a limited number of promotional accounts for demo BeeSmart Cloud. We will do our best to pamper your curiosity and support you with specific information that you might need to complete your TV solution.You can expect a fresh looking interactive TV middleware ready to be deployed in IPTV and OTT environments, serving your customers from your own Cloud. You will be able to connect to the service and try it out immediately, so do not miss this opportunity and visit us at IPTV World Forum 2012 in London.


Early preview of BeeSmart 4.0

Follow the news for a series of special inside previews of BeeSmart 4.0 before its official launch.

The daily administration of the platform is significantly improved in the upcoming release 4.0. In order to simplify the daily operation and upgrades, we have completely renovated the system configuration settings.
Preview at: https://blog.beenius.tv/?p=425

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