Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution

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Get to know Beenius at Africacom 2017

We are announcing that Beenius team is attending the AfricaCom event at the Cape Town Convention Centre, from 7 – 9 November. Why meet our team? Our team will be happy to present our Interactive TV Platform, with emphasis on the Hybrid DVB and OTT solutions, which enhance Satellite, Cable and Terrestrial Operators with: DVB-C […]

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See you at ANGACOM

ANGACOM 2017 announces more than 440 exhibitor registrations already. Don’t miss out on Beenius stand P82 in Hall 8. At this year show Beenius will display Beenius Interactive TV Platform for Hybrid DVB-C and OTT solutions. We would also like to invite you to a Speakers Corner where Klemen Logar, VP Sales will lead the discussion […]

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Are subscribers abandoning your Cable TV packages?

According to Jon Broadkin article in Arstechnica top pay-TV operators which are representing 95% of the US market, lost 665,00 subscribers in Q2 2016. They report that this is more than double the losses from 2 years ago. But there are also exception, like major TV service DirecTV, it has gained new subscribers, the whole […]

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New future for cable operators

At the Cable Congress 2016, HIS research revealed that the European cable industry is growing, with total revenues up 7.1% year-on-year. Such expansion could also be seen across the entire cable estate, namely Internet via broadband (10%), TV (5.5%) and telephony (7%). (Rapid TV news) Full convergence of services, networks and screens, powered by the […]

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Beenius DVB-C and OTT hybrid solution on Android STB

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB-C Hybrid Solution on Android STB Video The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius Platform in hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T also on Linux-based STBs at Beenius YouTube.

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From Peru to Argentina – Beenius interactive TV platform presented to Latin America

Network Broadcast presenting Beenius Interactive TV platform at VIII Cumbre de APTC in Lima and at Bolivia Media Show. Network Broadcast and Beenius Interactive TV Platform at Punta Show Uruguay and at Bolivia Media Show. Beenius Channel partner Network Broadcast was attending several exhibitions in the LATAM for the past two months. They were successfully […]

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Beenius DVB hybrid solution video

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB Solution Video for hybrid environments. The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution videos also in other languages at Beenius YouTube.