Beenius Platform

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Beenius DVB-C and OTT hybrid solution on Android STB

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB-C Hybrid Solution on Android STB Video The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius Platform in hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T also on Linux-based STBs at Beenius YouTube.

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Big data, analytics and TV

With IPTV came Catch-up TV and with OTT came TV Everywhere. Therefore, the viewers can watch their favourite TV shows anytime, anywhere on any device. We could say that viewing habits had change and that we almost can’t draw a line between the Live TV and On-Demand. Because of the overflow of numerous TV channels […]

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Beenius DVB hybrid solution video

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius DVB Solution Video for hybrid environments. The Beenius Platform in the hybrid setup IPTV/OTT/DVB-C/T supports local autonomy as a recovery mode of operation and is implemented on Android-based STBs and Linux-based STBs. Watch Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution videos also in other languages at Beenius YouTube.