IPTV/OTT Solutions


Encuéntranos en Andinalink 2019

Beenius coexibirá con nuestros partners TVC en la Conferencia ANDINALINK 2019, que tendra lugar en Cartagena, Colombia, del 26 al 28 de febrero de 2019.

Get to know Beenius at Andinalink 2019

Beenius will be coexibiting with our partner TVC at the ANDINALINK 2019 Conference, held in Cartagena, Colombia from 26-28 February 2019.

If the questions about AndroidTV Operator Tier, AOSP or Linux …occurred, it is a must to book a meeting.

AfricaCom 2018

Get to know Beenius at AfricaCom 2018

You can plan the TV future together with Beenius Sales representatives Mr. Martin Žorž and Mr. Jure Žlak at AfricaCom at the Cape Town Convention Centre, from 13th to 15h November. Book a meeting and they will show you how to become the Viewers’ First Choice!