

Creating infinite synergies with Beenius platform 8 – leaflet

Beenius presents new leaflet, Beenius Platform 8! Fill in the form on your right side & download the leaflet -> Learn about Beenius’ Platform 8 novelties, relevant for operators and service providers that are looking to grow in the field of: Security, Personalization, Monetization, Coherency, Recommendation, Operators growth, Coherency and Trustworthiness towards the viewers; Beenius’ Platform 8 […]

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Beenius in Prensario internacional

Prensario International is the leading magazine and a web platform for PayTV industry in Latin America. In their last monthly publication they prepared a report from the NexTV Summit in Argentina, the most important South American Conference summit. At the conference Beenius team presented Beenius Interactive TV solution to the Latin America Markets together with […]