Recommendation Dashboard

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Press release: recommendation dashboard, a new way of consuming TV content

Beenius reveals Recommendation Dashboard, a feature that offers end-users an improved means of content discovery and at the same time enables them a content oriented approach to watching television. Recommendation Dashboard enables Pay-TV operators to deliver content based on users’ preferences, lowers operators churn rate and empowers them with higher users’ satisfaction. Integrated with leading […]

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Beenius recommendation dashboard

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform presents Beenius Recommendation Dashboard on the Linux STB Application. It is made based on the content oriented TV approach, enabling viewers to have the best TV experience and operators to benefit from lower churn rate. The recommendation dashboard helps viewers find personalized content, and at the same time boosts content […]

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Veni, Vidi, Recommend

At Beenius, we believe the future is in a Content oriented TV approach. Thus, we are introducing Beenius Recommendation Dashboard on Linux STB Application. The benefits are on both sides, operators’ and viewers’. The latter will have the best user experience, while operators will benefit from lower churn rate and their customers will reach higher […]