service providers

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Wherever you go your favourite TV show will follow

Two days ago, EU negotiators agreed on new rules allowing Europeans to travel and enjoy online content services across borders. It all started back in December 2015 when the European Commission proposed a Regulation to broaden access to online content for travelers in the EU. It was the first legal proposal of the Digital Single market […]

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nPVR for Europe and U.S. markets

The digitisation of television has changed the fundamentals of the television market. Over the last few years, new ways of use have emerged: consumers have become used to recording live programming. Now they expect the freedom to record several channels at once and to watch it on any device, from any location, with access […]

Infographic: T-commerce

Infographic T-commerce for service providers

After getting such encouraging feedback for our T-commerce module at TV Connect 2015 we decided to make an infographic to show what T-commerce is and what it brings to service providers. Interested? Follow the link!