TV Broadcasters

Industry Trend Paper COVID-19

At this very moment, you are probably watching TV or reading the news on your phone, right?

The impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is widespread and will likely shape business and consumer behaviour for months to come. It’s inevitable that social distancing, quarantining, and staying home will have a significant effect on media consumption. Download our Industry Trend paper and learn what researchers have to say about TV consumption in times of crisis.

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Different AVMSD rules for broadcasters, VOD and UGC providers

In the past month, news about Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) and the latest changes that will affect all Broadcasters and User-generated content providers in the EU, have spread throughout media. The idea of the Directive is to achieve a balance between competitiveness and consumer protection, on and off the Internet. In this blog, we have summed up […]