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We are proud to announce that Beesmart TV platform by Beenius is nominated among finalists for the ConnectedWorld.TV Awards 2013 in the category Best content platform of the year.

Beesmart is an open and flexible Interactive TV platform for advanced TV services, suitable for IPTVOTT, and Hybrid Cable environments.

At the IBC 2013Beenius will attempt to provide award with comprehensive presentation of the new middleware client and innovations within Beesmart middleware.

CWTV Awards

The Connected World.TV Awards, now in their third year, honour the creative broadcasters, content companies and innovative tech teams in the connected content arena.

IBC Connected World and BPL Broadcast, the ConnectedWorld.TV Awards celebrate the exciting developments in television and video at the intersection of broadcast and the internet. The awards honour creative broadcasters as well as innovative technology companies and consumer electronics manufacturers. The Awards are organized by BPL Broadcast, IBC’s partners in the development and marketing of the IBC Connected World.

The Awards ceremony will take place on Monday 16th September at the Okura Hotel, Amsterdam, during Connected World at IBC 2013.

Thank you for your trust.

The ConnectedWorld.TV Awards are organized by BPL Broadcast Ltd.

More about CWTV Awards.

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