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FTTx services had overtaken cable for the first time this March. FTTH also grew, but at a much lower rate.

At the end of March 2013, Point Topic tracked 79.3 million worldwide IPTV subscriptions–up 3.3 million over the previous quarter and 13.7 million year-over year. The IPTV growth, the researchers said, correlated to expanded fiber and hybrid-fiber networks.

According to Point Topic report, IPTV is benefiting directly from a decline in copper infrastructure. The concurrent is fiber.

Statistically speaking, Point Topic that there were 654.6 million fixed broadband lines worldwide. That growth came the expense of an aging copper infrastructure and transmission services DSL, ADSL and ADSL2 which lost 2.77 million subscribers in the first quarter.

Beesmart middleware is a solution for telcos, cable, internet, campuses ….

Sources for this blog:

Point Topic PR

Point Topic Report


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