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You can still visit Acutek Solution Booth #1149 at HITEC in Minneapolis. We will be there until 2PM.

Beenius and Acutek Solution showcased uHotel system which has been developed specifically for Hospitality Service Operators, is a cloud base manage services for a complete hospitality solution. The system with its advanced multi-service delivery portal, is design to integrate seamlessly with hospitality systems.  It is able to promote revenue generating marketing materials thus creating opportunity for positive financial gain.

uHotel is scalable, flexible, and customizable, like all other Beesmart features.

Acutek Solution Booth #1149 at HITEC 2013

Potential customers and all other visitors, mainly from America and Canada, expressed great interest in uHotel system.

We hope your visit to the HITEC was a success!

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