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Don’t miss the opportunity to apply for the Beenius Co-funded Marketing Program, available to all Beenius Channel Partners!




Beenius will be allocating € 40,000 to the Co-funded Marketing Program in 2013! Beenius Channel Partners may submit a proposed Co-funded Marketing Activity at any time of the year (while funds are still available). Co-funded Marketing Activities are not limited by type and may range from exhibitions at industry trade fairs to industry events, conferences, and others. The Co-funded Marketing Program covers up to 50% of eligible costs, up to € 3,000 for each approved co-marketing activity. These funds will be allocated following the submission of a completed application and are awarded on a first-come-first serve basis, with due consideration of the quality of the application.

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Please read Beenius Co-funded Marketing Program Terms and Conditions for more precise information on the program.

To apply to the program you may download the Application and send the completed application to marketing@beenius.tv .

Apply today, funds are limited!

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