Infographic: Interactive TV Service Requirements

Interactive TV Service Requirements!

For the holiday season we wanted to create and contribute this infographic to the ITV market!





Interactive TV Service Requirements [INFOGRAPHIC]
Beenius carried out ITV market segment research in June this year through the Beenius Smart Survey as part of our commitment to continuously fulfilling the needs of the modern TV service operator. The purpose of the survey was to empirically research the service requirements of market segments in the ITV industry. The Beenius Smart Survey was sent to individuals and companies within the TelcoCable, and ISP industry sectors.

Beenius defines three market segments in the Telco service operators market – Leaders, Challengers, and Followers. See the Infographic for a definition of each market segment. In addition to Telcos, Beenius defines two market segments of the interactive TV operators market – Hospitality TV and Web TV/OTT.

The ITV Service Requirements insight shows that the top 5 service requirements are the following: stability and scalability, low maintenance costs, amount of supported STBs, close personal contact with the vendor, and references. See the Infographic for the complete Top 10 list and the Top 5 service requirements by market segment.

– Download Infographic: Interactive TV Service Requirements

The Interactive TV Service Requirements [INFOGRAPHIC] is also published on the following sites:


– SlideShare: [INFOGRAPHIC]

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