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Have you booked your ticket to Las Vegas yet? Visit the Beenius stand No. 105 at Telco TV in Las Vegas, 24 – 26 October, and experience the Social TV features of Beesmart!



1. Reach for new opportunities to effectively promote your TV services with the Social TV features of Beesmart.

With Post-to-Facebook feature your subscribers will post to their network of friends the fact that they are watching the show through your service along with your brand, message, and contact info included in the post. This constitutes a viral social network growth mechanism enabling the operator to reach new audiences effectively and consequently to acquire new subscribers.

2. Increase the TV experience of your subscribers with the Social TV features of Beesmart.

The Twitter banner of Beesmart enables operators to define a keyword or a hashtag, on the basis of which all the tweets from end-users are allocated to subscribers watching the TV show of their choice! By offering a Twitter banner to TV subscribers the operator engages its audience and increases end-user satisfaction.

3. Enable your subscribers to enjoy your TV services anytime and anywhere!

And finally, imagine your subscribers’ satisfaction when they can enjoy their favorite TV shows on an iPhone or iPad, at any particular moment! The Beesmart platform provides a continuous TV experience on users’ tablets and smartphones, as well as on LCD screens, and in addition gives them the option of mobility and numerous fun multiscreen features – such as using an iPad as a remote control, flinging videos onto an LCD screen, and many more! We believe that subscribers find great value and satisfaction in operator’s services that offer such an advanced TV experience anytime and anywhere!

See you at the Beenius stand – No. 105!

TelcoTV will be held at the Las Vegas Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada, 24 – 26 October 2012.

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