
AfricaCom 2018

Get to know Beenius at AfricaCom 2018

You can plan the TV future together with Beenius Sales representatives Mr. Martin Žorž and Mr. Jure Žlak at AfricaCom at the Cape Town Convention Centre, from 13th to 15h November. Book a meeting and they will show you how to become the Viewers’ First Choice!

Beenius Interview - Marko Lukšič

People will never forget, how you made them feel

Beenius is proud of having the key accounts for more than ten years. You will find the answer in an interview with “Mr. Marko Lukšič, VP Sales Key Account: “Beenius main focus is customer satisfaction since customers are Beenius´ most valuable asset.”

IBC 2018 Interview - Filip Remškar, CEO Beenius

How can we help you? Filip Remškar, Beenius CEO

At IBC 2018, Advanced Television reporter Mr. Nick Snow interviewed Beenius CEO, Mr. Filip Remškar. If you are Googling for Android TV Operator Tier, Middleware replacement or Advertising, you must see the interview.

IBC 2018

Thank you for visiting us at IBC 2018

IBC 2018 – RAI Amsterdam Beenius has attended this year’s trade show IBC at Amsterdam from 14th – 19th September 2019. According to the organizers, the Fair visited more than 57,000 visitors. Internally we were extremely pleased with the IBC, and it surpassed our expectations.

HbbTV OpApp vs Android TV Operator Tier

Infographic: HbbTV OpApp vs Android TV Operator Tier

HbbTV OpApps and Android TV Operator Tier are two cutting-edge technologies available for TV Operators to deploy interactive broadband-based services. Which one to choose depends on a variety of aspects, therefore we have made a head-to-head comparison between them. Download the free infographic and find out.

Beenius Interview - Martin Žorž, Sales Manager at Beenius

Free of charge TV content with no borders

“The major breakthrough in the IPTV/OTT industry is coming in fully personalized free of charge TV content where there are no borders” explains Martin Žorž Sales Manager at Beenius. See what Martin Žorž, Sales Manager at Beenius thinks about TV business models in the future and stay tuned for his special invitation at the end of the interview!

"Always on" Society - devices

“Always on” Society

This August Ofcom published Communication Market Report, which reveals how the increasing take-up of faster fixed and mobile data services is extending people’s choice over how, where and when they communicate with others, watch or listen to content services, seek information, shop and participate in the digital world.