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Meet Stefan Niesen at convergence India 2018

The exhibition demonstrating the convergence of technologies in Telecom, IT, Broadcast and Digital media sectors, will be held from 7 – 9 March in New Delhi. Are you looking for an Interactive TV Platform? Book a meeting ahead and meet with our VP Sales, Stefan Niesen, in India!

EU general data protection regulation -> 8 topics to take into consideration

Read why GDPR is so important, and give us your consent! We would like to inform you about Beenius consultancy services, products, promotions, prices, infographics, brochures, webinars, as well as invite you to Beenius demo presentations, so don’t wait till May and give us your consent today!

Creating infinite synergies with Beenius platform 8 – leaflet

Beenius presents new leaflet, Beenius Platform 8! Fill in the form on your right side & download the leaflet -> Learn about Beenius’ Platform 8 novelties, relevant for operators and service providers that are looking to grow in the field of: Security, Personalization, Monetization, Coherency, Recommendation, Operators growth, Coherency and Trustworthiness towards the viewers; Beenius’ Platform 8 […]

Television that follows the viewer

Classic TV advertising is slowly declining as it is being replaced by programmatic TV ads lease on new technology platforms. Different studies deliver different numbers and values of the advertising dollars for the digital TV market. In the United States, for example, advertising on digital platforms accounted to around $ 50 billion in 2017 and by 2022, according to […]

The adlergic epidemic is on the rise! Or is it?

Beenius enables Pay-TV operators to lower their churn and monetize on 90% of the population who does not seem to mind the ads enough to attempt to avoid them. Read the Deloitte prediction on adlergice population for 2018!

Creating infinite synergies with Beenius platform 8

With Beenius Platform 8 we are forming synergies between 8 different segments that are representing Beenius Platform 8: Trustworthiness, Coherency, Security, Personalization, Simplicity, Recommendation, Monetization and Growth. Each segment embodies value-added features and present advantages for TV operators to become Viewers’ First Choice.