The goals telco operators and service providers are pursuing in 2018 are:

  1. Draw in as many consumers as possible.
  2. Keep viewers satisfied & engaged for as long as possible.
  3. Justify the increasing cost of making & acquiring content.
  4. Deliver ROI/impact for advertisers & brands.

…and here comes the How?

The goals can be achieved by understanding viewers’ behavior and by improving content discovery.  PwC conducted a research (Consumer study of 1,000 Americans over the age of 18), which reveals that the industry shift favors the consumer, forcing content providers, media distributors, and tech companies to improve the discovery, personalization, and “stickiness” of their content.

Step 1: Understanding viewers’ behavior, needs, and demands

First, TV operators and service providers need to understand their viewers, their actions and what drives them to watch television in a certain manner.

PwC stated that due to the overwhelmed options from an ever-growing library of video content, today’s consumers are struggling to find what they want. Compared to just a year ago, the majority of consumers are watching more video, and nearly half at a higher cost.

PwC Research “Can you find that show I didn’t know I wanted to watch?” November 2017

PwC stated that due to the overwhelmed options from an ever-growing library of video content, today’s consumers are struggling to find what they want. Compared to just a year ago, the majority of consumers are watching more video, and nearly half at a higher cost.

PwC Research “Can you find that show I didn’t know I wanted to watch? ” November 2017

Often, TV consumers don’t know what they want to watch before sitting down, and they frequently discover content freely without any previous knowledge or recommendations from people they know:

PwC Research “Can you find that show I didn’t know I wanted to watch?” November 2017

Not only are television consumers frustrated with the current content discovery process, but the actual levels of frustration are illuminating. While new music and reading material available, arguably rivals the levels of new video, consumers are significantly more frustrated when searching for a new video content.

According to PwC research:

  • Consumers are begging to discover new, excellent content on their own. 87% of respondents say they regularly pick a TV show or movie to watch that they hadn’t heard of previously. 
  • Patience has dwindled. 74% of respondents know within a few seconds if they’ll like a piece of content. 
  • Much of today’s “quality” content goes undiscovered. 69% of respondents say they feel like they keep hearing about/seeing the same shows over and over again. 
  • Browsing is a key component of content discovery. Consumers spend, on average, 42% of their time browsing through content because they don’t know what they want to watch. 

Beenius empowers telecom operators and service providers to accomplish their goals with the help of Beenius Interactive TV Platform. Platform version 8 enables operators’ to offer improved means of watching television to end-users. Moreover, it symbolizes all the novelties in the field of security, personalization, recommendations, and monetization.

Would you like to grow your customer base, implement different monetization engines and become Viewers’ First Choice? Beenius platform 8 is the way to go!  Contact us today.


STAY TUNED: Next week, Step 2. will be revealed!

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