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Different AVMSD rules for broadcasters, VOD and UGC providers

In the past month, news about Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) and the latest changes that will affect all Broadcasters and User-generated content providers in the EU, have spread throughout media. The idea of the Directive is to achieve a balance between competitiveness and consumer protection, on and off the Internet. In this blog, we have summed up […]

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Thank you for attending the Webinar

We hope you have received all the information you were looking for during the webinar. We would like to thank each and everyone for your time and your opinions expressed during the polls. Mr. Klemen Logar, VP Sales at Beenius presented during the webinar the way how cable operators can compete with OTT service providers, […]

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How to manage your subscribers?

The vision to empower operators to become Viewers’ First Choice is a guidance for Beenius experts in persuade to offer best TV experience. Beenius with its multiservice delivery platform provides interactive TV services for IPTV, OTT and Cable providers. The Interactive TV Platform enables viewers to enjoy rich multimedia services at any time and […]

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Press release: Beenius and defining solution for Android STB

Ljubljana 2017 – Beenius, a provider of highly advanced Interactive TV platform and Infomir, a company of fast growing technology solutions, teamed up to deliver viewer’s first choice experience with a set of set-top boxes specifically designed to meet a demand of cable providers and telco operators for Android technology. Beenius and Infomir established and […]

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Webinar: How can cable operators compete with OTT service providers

Webinar How can Cable Operators compete with OTT Service Providers Date: Thursday, 18th of May 2017 Time: 15:00 (CEST) Ljubljana/Europe Registration: Please register to secure your place When operators talk about over-the-top (OTT) video solutions usually understanding of OTT is a zero-sum game for the legacy cable and satellite (multichannel video or MVPD) business. At […]

Beenius - Broadpeak - CVMultimedia

Press release: Beenius and Broadpeak empower the African operator, CV-multimedia to become viewers’ first choice

Ljubljana – Beenius, a provider of highly advanced Interactive TV platform and Broadpeak, the manufacturer of video delivery components and CDN solutions, teamed up to support African operator CVMultimedia when they decided to replace the existing middleware with Beenius Interactive TV Platform. CVMultimedia was looking for Interactive TV platform vendor with end-to-end system integration expertise […]

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OTT video services and its trends

The industry report OTT VIDEO SERVICES presents highlights, key trends and technical challenges facing those companies already offering OTT services versus those that are only in the planning stages of OTT delivery. The report findings based on responses from almost 500 media industry professionals are as follows: OTT viewership will exceed traditional viewing by 2020. Within […]

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See you at ANGACOM

ANGACOM 2017 announces more than 440 exhibitor registrations already. Don’t miss out on Beenius stand P82 in Hall 8. At this year show Beenius will display Beenius Interactive TV Platform for Hybrid DVB-C and OTT solutions. We would also like to invite you to a Speakers Corner where Klemen Logar, VP Sales will lead the discussion […]

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Android STB and its security

In February 2017, Ovum sounded out over 300 TV industry professionals from TV service providers across the world (including pay TV, telcos, OTT streaming services, and network operators) on their organizations’ TV and Android OS strategies. Among other Ovum survey touched one of the most important issues that come with Android STB, the security. The […]

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Press release: Beenius unveils latest release of web application

Ljubljana, April 2017 – Beenius, a provider of highly advanced Interactive TV platform proudly announces a release of Beenius Web Application Version 12.0-7. Beenius Team has unveiled its latest version of the Beenius Web Application – Version 12.0-7. Beenius Web Application provides access to the service provider’s content in web browsers on PC or MAC […]