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We hope you have received all the information you were looking for during the webinar. We would like to thank each and everyone for your time and your opinions expressed during the polls.

Mr. Klemen Logar, VP Sales at Beenius presented during the webinar the way how cable operators can compete with OTT service providers, he talked about cord cutting trend and explained how cable operators could optimize their services to save money and ensure further growth with the help of Beenius Hybrid DVB-C + OTT solutions.

Have a look at Beenius DVB-C Hybrid Solution on Android STB – VIDEO

and/ or

Beenius DVB-C Hybrid Solution on Linux – VIDEO!


We will be glad to answer any additional questions related to the topic of the webinar or issues about Beenius Interactive TV Platform and its features. Contact us today or visit us at expo ANGACOM in Germany at the end of May.

Have you downloaded the latest Beenius Hybrid leaflet yet?

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