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IBC2013 has finally opened its doors. Beenius team in addition to presentations also prepared small gifts for visitors.






If you visit the Beenius stand No. 14.121, you won’t receive just a typical presentations of middleware, but special and exciting demonstrations of new BeeTheme Editor and Chameleon. If you change color/logo/font in editor, the Chameleon on TV will change color/logo/font (almost) at the same time! Try it!

Beenius Water
If you are thirsty while demonstrations, Beenius has prepared special bottles of water for our visitors.

At Beenius stand, you can test a new client for Android-based STBBeeTheme Editor and see new GUI Chameleon!


Tomorrow is demo presentation of Beenius CTO at Connected World Theatre!

Tomorrow you won’t want to miss our demo presentation at the Connected World TheatreBeenius CTO, Marko Hiti, will be presenting the new Beesmart client for STBs with the Android operating system. See you at 4 p.m. in Hall 14!


Our partners, Albis technologies and Dune HD are having a special giveaways of Plug and Play STBs. See more!
Dune HD Stand No. 14.102
Albis Technologies Stand No. 14560


Don’t forget to complete a short questionnaire at our stand. Maybe you will be the lucky winner of prize draw on Monday at 4 pm.

See Terms and Conditions of prize draw.

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