Beenius Advertising Video

In this sneak peek video, we present the latest novelties and advantages of the Targeted TV Advertising that the Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables. Targeted TV Advertising can be offered on TV, Mobile and web app.

Check the sneak peek video for an overview of various positioning of your next advertising campaign:

  • Ads on profile selection screen
  • Pre-roll ads
  • Ad on pause 
  • Radio ads 
  • Seasonal branding 
  • Home screen banner 

With the targeted TV advertising that the Beenius Interactive TV platform offers, operators can:

  • Unleash additional revenue from selling advertising space inside the user interface (which is not interfering with content provider’s requirements)
  • Enhance their opportunities to address potential customers
  • Audience targeting based on different variables
  • Various advertising formats on IPTV, OTT and DVB Hybrid

Step into the world of Advertising

For additional questions, comments, or meeting request, please contact us.

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