content as a service

Fresh video content is available to the viewers on almost daily basis which means more copyrights, legal and distribution agreements for the operators. On the other hand, we have the viewers that are becoming more informed with each day and are carefully choosing the content they consume.  All this represents additional challenge for the operators, as they need to carefully choose the right content or in other words, try not to miss offering the right content to their viewers.  

Operators are struggling with troublesome content integration issues when all they want and should do is provide premium content to their viewers at anytime, anyplace on any device? 

What about the upgrade of their OTT solution with enjoyable content delivered to the viewers by the content owner? 

Beenius offers a genius yet simple solution to the challenges above. Through the Beenius Interactive TV Platform, the premium content can now be included in the operator’s catalog simply and quickly. The Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables the parsing of the metadata, from images, description, actors, etc. to commercial policies (TVOD, SVOD, AVOD, etc.).

The operator can incorporate the business relationship with premium content providers of their choice (such as HBO, FOX, Turner, Discovery, etc.), and Beenius takes care that the needed integration from the content owners’ platform to theBeenius OTT backend is manageable and fast.  

The Beenius Interactive TV Platform enables operators to add thousands of must viewed content to the platform without the operational costs! They do not need to worry about downloading, processing, or transcoding to ABR anymore.

Protecting and delivering the content to the viewers has never simpler.  

If you would like to discover more about the Beenius Interactive TV Platform, do not hesitate to contact us.

As Media Systems Integrator, we collaborate with our strategically chosen partners that cover the video processing and delivery process from acquisition to distribution on clients’ devicescontent security recommendation engine that enables Pay-TV operatorsto deliver content based on user preferences which reduces operator’s churn rates and results in higher user satisfaction; targeted TV advertising that enables operators to deliver personalized ads to the viewers screen, and our Apps that provide enjoyable, consistent and reliable user experience regardless of the operating system. 

In addition, we have all the necessary relationships with 3rd party technology vendors, plugins, modules, and contacts so that operators’ time to market reduces significantly! 

To learn more about our OTT projects, we share the following educational content with you: 

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