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May 16th is approaching faster than ever! On that day the company BeeSmart will become Beenius!



This name change doesn’t mean that the heart of the company will beat any differently. The team that stands behind Beenius remains the same and will grow even further. Beenius, which comes from “be genius”, entails the possession of considerable knowledge and is the next level up from “be smart”, which indicates a high ability to learn. Beenius signifies a deeper level of understanding the customer and a higher degree of readiness to react to new market opportunities. We are ready to overcome each challenge that comes our way and our mission to fulfill the demand for excellent TV service in every country feels more vital than ever!

For more information, please contact our representatives directly or visit our future web site at netsolution.beenius.tv.

Beenius Academy will once again open its doors, this time in June 2012!

Are you interested in increasing your technical and business expertise? Then Beenius Academy is the right place to be! Beesmart’s goal is to provide all partners a complete package of training courses specifically tailored to enhance the technical and business expertise of participants. Beenius Academy offers three different courses, of which you can choose one, two, or all three. The courses start with the Beesmart Installation, Configuration, and Administration course on Monday, June 4th. From June 7th to 8th you can participate in the Beesmart SDK course, and on the June 7th we welcome you to attend the Beesmart Sales Enablement course. All three courses will be led by qualified mentors who are keen on sharing their knowledge and expertise.

The Beenius Academy will be held at the Beenius premises in Ljubljana, Brnčičeva ulica 45, from June 4th to 8th, so don’t miss it! You can register until May 25th. Don’t delay, attendance is limited!

To apply for courses, please complete the registration form on our website or send an enquiry to trainings@beenius.tv .


Sneak a peek inside Beesmart: Promo Screen #1

Beesmart has developed Promo Screen to enable Operators to present promotions. Anything from regular TV commercials, to promotions from Operators and crazy ads from end users, it can all be featured on Promo Screen. Now imagine you would like to surprise someone with an ad on the Promo Screen on his TV. All you need to do is book an advertisement with your Operator and wait to see what happens!

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