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We are counting days and hours to the opening of this year NAB Show in Las Vegas USA, excited to meet our partners, friends and new potential clients.

Visit us at the Connected Media World Theater (booth A508).

Do not miss the exclusive opportunity to get free use of the Beesmart cloud unlimited for 30 days and exclusive free access to the Beesmart app for Android tablets.

With the Dune HD connected set-top box family, progressive Beesmart TV middleware and Acutek Solution SaaS delivery platform running on Beenius technology, the companies introduce the most cost-effective means for operators to deliver streaming content to consumer TVs in a single fast-to-deploy solution. We are making it easy for operators to test the platform for free by giving away 100 Dune HD TV-102AW connected set-top boxes at NAB this week.

To learn more, visit Beenius booth No. A508 (Connected Media World Theater).

The speech you shouldn’t miss is to take place on Wednesday, April 10, 11:30 – 12:00, at the Connected Media World Theater (booth A613).

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