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Watch the short clip created by egta, EBU and ACT to promote the power of television and its value to today’s society.

In 1996, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed November 21 as World Television Day, “in recognition of the increasing impact television has on decision-making by alerting world attention to conflicts and threats to peace and security and its potential role in sharpening the focus on other major issues, including economic and social issues.”

What Is TV Today?

  • TV offers 60,000 hours/per day of pure entertainment in Europe alone, across 5,463 different channels reaching €90b and the total employee count of 600,000 in the European TV market;
  • TV habits have changed rapidly with new uses and time-shifted viewing now accounting for 7% of the total viewing time in the 31 countries; (according to the One TV Year report by Eurodata TV Worldwide).
  • Non-linear viewing habits are facilitated by the increase in multiscreen equipment: 37% of consumers own a combination of laptops, smartphones and tablets; (according to an Accenture Digital Consumer Survey conducted in 10 countries.)
  • In France, 3 million TV viewers aged 15+ watch TV daily on a computer, smartphone or tablet, spending in average 1h40. Those habits are also enhanced by speed and technologies such as 4G, now available in most cities in Europe and the US, and growing quickly in other continents.
  • Consumption of video is growing fast on mobile devices, and the smartphone is the most promising one. 1 out of 2 4G users in the US claim to download or stream video at least once a week on their mobile phone. Smartphones are mainly used on-the-go and during “on my own” moments, even if they are not exclusively dedicated to watching short format content. (according to Ofcom’s International Communications Market Report 2015)
  • The IAB Mobile Video Usage study reports that 36% of smartphone video users in 24 countries watch content in excess of 5 minutes at least once a day.

What Does Television Mean To You?

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