In today’s article, we put emphasis on the security component of our ecosystem, provided by castLabs. As a pioneer in digital video markets worldwide, they provide solutions to easily enable the secure distribution of the premium movie, TV, and audio assets for high-quality video experiences. Their range of applications and services are designed to help businesses deliver DRM-protected content over a large selection of consumer devices and platforms.


castLabs’ flexible and global DRM solution offers a complete set of features built on highly reliable AWS infrastructure, and a user-friendly interface, with support from a professional services team. On top of automatic AWS scaling mechanisms, DRMtoday has built-in logic to allow millions of license deliveries every day and peak times to be served without delays. The flexible cloud solution helps avoid service outages with dependable high availability and excellent fault-tolerant redundancy expanding on what AWS already provides running across multiple AWS regions around the world. castLabs utilizes servers near the customers to minimize key delivery time and low-latency licensing lets the audience enjoy content sooner.

The main DRMtoday features include Concurrent Stream Limiting (CSL), Geoblocking, Device Capability Awareness, Multi-DRM for all screens and Widevine CAS. DRMtoday dashboard provides the functionality of viewing the information about licenses sent, unique users, DRM systems used, active devices, usage data per day, and others.


Aside from a global multi-DRM license delivery network, the pre-integrated PRESTOplay SDK suite provides “API-first” players for rapid player creation. PRESTOplay SDKs provides players across multiple screens such as Android devices and Android TV, iOS devices and Apple TV, HTML5 platforms including browsers, Windows/macOS desktops, game consoles, and TVs.

With an extensive set of built-in features, PRESTOplay allows companies to provide leading quality viewing experiences. The features include ultra-low latency, fully customizable UI, VoD & live playback, offline playback with the downloader, MPEG-DASH, CMAF, HLS and Smooth Streaming support, and more.

Alongside all of the benefits of castLabs’ solutions, another advantage is their extensive list of leading technology partners across the video delivery industry. The partnership with Beenius offers a seamless integration with DRMtoday and PRESTOplay that allows companies to benefit from a number of possibilities to offer TV content anytime, anywhere on every device.

As Media Systems Integrator, Beenius collaborates with our strategically chosen partners covering the content security process from acquisition to distribution on clients’ devices.  In addition, we have all the necessary relationships with 3rd party technology vendors, plugins, modules, and contacts so that operators’ time to the market reduces significantly!

For any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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