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The NexTV Summit is the most important South America Conference and Demo in the new TV & Broadband landscape to advance the opportunities presented by the new added-value services, including Hybrid, OTT-VOD, Multiscreen, Interactive TV, IP Telephony, Ultrabroadband.

The conference that will be held from June 15th till June 16th 2016 and will be rich in service and technology provider case studies with several demos.

Don’t miss two important things:
1. Beenius demo presentation of Beenius DVB Hybrid Solution will be held in demo space for two days on 15th and 16th of June. Beenius representative will show a proven and easily integrated platform for heterogeneous operator environments that optimizes total cost of ownership and maximizes revenue per subscriber with:

  • N-screen
  • Recordings on Hybrid STBs
  • Catch-up, Pause and Resume
  • T-Commerce
  • TV Advertising
  • On Demand Content Delivery

A quick look at DVB Hybrid Solution video and infographics gives you the answer on why to go with OTT.

2. On 15th of June join us at Executive Panel IV: Broadcast TV towards multiscreen and OTT where Beenius representative Mr. Klemen Logar will present his view on Multiscreen strategies for broadcast TV,  commercialization of video streaming, and much more.

To book one-on-one meeting with Mr. Klemen Logar, Sales Manager  fill out the form on the right today!

See you in Buenos Aires, Argentina!

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