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With the end of April, the roaming surcharges will be lowered for the last time before disappearing by June 2017. This is one of the actions in the EU Digital Single Market agenda, and why it matters for operators you may ask?

The Digital Single Market strategy will allow better access for consumers and business to online goods and services across Europe, stated by European Commission. This strategy adopted on May 6th 2015, includes 16 initiatives to be delivered by the end of 2016 and consists of three policy areas or ‘pillars’:

• Better online access to digital goods and services,
• An environment where digital networks and services can prosper,
• Digital as a driver for growth.

The first pillar will help create the EU’s digital world a seamless and leveled marketplace to buy and sell. The development of the sharing economy is a key focus and it effects also the operators. We agree with statement form Mr. Jeroen Lub, from Osborne Clarke, who said that a strong Telecoms Single Market is essential for the Digital Single Market. The Digital Single Market depends on the availability of high-speed and affordable fixed and mobile broadband networks throughout Europe, ending roaming charges and net neutrality.



In order to have an efficient system for sharing media content and video, within the EU the changes are needed. Besides quitting roaming, accepting net neutrality, regulation on data protection and privacy, the European commission is also trying to ensure that the copyright regime is fit for the digital age and preventing unjustified geo-blocking. Commission puts competition over copyrights and with modernizing copyright laws it will try to ensure the right balance between creators’ and consumers’ interests.

Currently the competition law investigation about Pay TV territorial licensing is conducting, to ensure new guidelines for cross-border portability of online content. The main focus is to make cross-border commerce easier, especially for small and medium businesses. Beenius’s Interactive TV platform enables E-commerce on TV, and with a unified TV platform makes easier for operators to manage their T-commerce offers.

The political, jurisdictional and corporate environment are all effected by the agenda of Digital Single Market. The fair and future proof regime will apply to all services, including TV and over-the-top services. TV market players such as broadcasters, operators and content owners are already talking about this. At Connected TV Summit there were mixed reception for EU Content Portability Rules. On the other hand The Association of Commercial Television in Europe calls this Content Portability as the driver of Europe’s creative economy. So, what is your opinion?

You could all agree, that we are very much waiting for the times when traveling around EU and watching TV on tablet or smartphone will be for free of charge and will enable operators’ business to expand!

Let us know, how digital is your country? Do you already provide a TV solution over-the-top which could be accessible around the EU?

Write to us or visit us! We are glad to explain more about Beenius Interactive TV Platform and how you can become the Viewers’ First Choice!

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