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Ljubljana, August 2016 – Beenius and Mexican operator Gobo successfully deployed Unified TV platform.

Beenius, a provider of highly advanced Unified TV platform, and Mexican operator Gobo, proudly announces a successful deployment of Unified TV platform.

Beenius is attentive to the various needs of clients and tried to understand operators’ problems while implementing suitable solutions in each phase of product development, reinforce with Linux as also Android future proofed solution. OTT solution that is implement at Gobo is with Amino STB provider and gives to Gobo possibility to reach new customers and new markets. OTT brings for end-customers the benefits of N-Screen solution, multiple SVOD, while enables the operator to offer more personalized content and can profit from targeted recommendations, advertising and T-Commerce support.

The Beenius Unified TV platform supports a scenario with multiple virtual operators. With this GOBO has the ability to provide IPTV/OTT middleware as a service (PaaS) and host multiple virtual service providers – virtual operators that rent out use of the Beenius Platform for a monthly rate and are able to deploy interactive IPTV/OTT services more quickly and efficiently. For virtual operators this is an OPEX-oriented model. In this way they can focus on the business and elements their revenue depends on: services, content, and end users.

“Beenius is one of the most open Unified TV platforms designed for operators that are looking for a flexible and best of breed solution for its particular business case. For that reason we are happy to present successful project in cooperation with experienced Beenius team. With integration with Beenius we deliver innovative services that inspire and excite our subscribers, ”explains Omer Salom, CEO at Gobo.

‘’As the LATAM region enters the new internet era of television, consumers have unprecedented expectations and a relentless desire to access high quality content across all screens at any time. Each customer’s demand requires a tailor-made solution with the suited selection of components and services that is right for their business. At Gobo they were looking for such services and we were glad to deliver TV platform suited to their needs and their viewers’ demand. The development of IPTV services in LATAM region is expanding fast, so Gobo project might be the first for Beenius, but certainly not the last, ’’ said Filip Remškar, CEO at Beenius.

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