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The CEO of Beenius Mr. Filip Remškar was invited to participate at Advanced Television Roundtable in London to discuss Bid Data.

What is Big Data, how is it collected, how can it be managed and how will it deliver monetization? These are all the questions answered by top five representatives of the Interactive TV world.

To learn what Mr. Filip Remškar has to say about Big Data and how it is managed by Beenius Interactive TV Platform, view the videos below or read the article in TV Everywhere International Magazine (Pg. 16-17)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:
Part 7:

We invite you to visit Mr. Remškar and other Beenius representatives at NAB Show at Beenius stand SU10522 to discuss more about Data and Beenius Platform.

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