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We kindly invite you to visit Beenius LIVE demonstration in the Connected World Demo area at the RAI Complex in Amsterdam on Saturday, Sept. 8th at 1:30 pm. All visits to the Connected World Demo area are free of charge.


Don’t miss the LIVE demonstration on the latest multiscreen features of Beesmart and the NEW BeeStore which offers revenue-increase solutions for TV service providers.

After the demonstration at the Connected World area we will kindly invite you to our stand in Hall 14 (#14.105) for further demonstration on Beesmart and its integration with social networks.

DON’T MISS THE FUN | Each visitor is offered a hot shot in the Beenius Screen of the Future and a bottle of refreshing Beenius water – at the Beenius stand!

We are excited to see you at the Beenius stand!

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