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We can hear from all angles that Cable TV is not the future in Interactive TV world. Traditional Cable doesn’t offer services like Facebook, web browser, YouTube videos, or VOD. Are cable subscribers really throwing their money away?

According to a new Harris pool, 45% of US adult citizens think that cable TV subscription is a waste of money.


11% of respondents said that they had subscription to one of cable TV operators, but they drop it.
Some 31% of respondents (were subscribers) said that their monthly pay-TV bill exceed $100 or more, and 15% of them said that would “never” consider dropping their services.

Cable Solution

32% of respondents said they would switch service providers because of the poor service.

Beenius offers Interactive TV services through Cable environments – read a technical White Paper.

Read more and source for this blog: TheConvergance.tv
The report was conducted by Harris Interactive for CouponCabin.com.




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