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Do you remember times when all family gathered in the living room at a certain time and gazed at a 50-inch black and white box? Since it was first invented, TV technology came a long way. Not just with the large flat TV screens, but also more and more viewers are watching their favorite movies and TV shows on their tablets and smartphones. Viewers are making new demands about how TV is being watched.

What do you consider TV to be? No just the babysitter or the companion that asks nothing of you. Viewers’ expectations rise with the technology that’s available to them. To get the control of our TV viewing and to feel the freedom of reaching TV anywhere, anytime. It’s interesting that even having this control and freedom, according to Neilsen and Frame your TV, people are still watching live TV today more than ever before. Despite the rise of websites and search engines, TV is still the world’s number 1 news source with 53 % of people still choosing TV. Based on Nielsen’s tablet and smartphone habits, people love to multitask while watching TV, and they do it almost as much during the real programming as during ads. Most often, we check our email, look up unrelated information online and hit the social networks. Many viewers also look up for information related to the shows or commercials they see on TV.

The study by VentureBeat established that 51 % of people don’t mind getting ads on their apps if it’s free, and people prefer free apps. The average person has 33 apps on their smartphone or tablet, a mixture of paid and free. The majority of apps are games, followed by social networking and music apps.

No longer is a prime concern how big your TV should be, but what your viewers want. How good you know your viewers’ needs, expectations, and desires. While changes and uncertainty can be difficult, content providers must stay agile, flexible and ahead of whatever challenge comes next.

Having Beenius in your viewers’ living room, you’ll offer best UX and become viewers’ first choice:



Ask for a presentation and together will tailor turnkey solution.

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