18 and 19 October will also be marked by presentations of our CEO, Filip Remškar, and VP Sales, Klemen Logar, during the NAB Show New York at the Connected Media|IP Theatre in the Javits Convention Center.

Is Android the right choice for Your Business?
Klemen Logar, VP Sales at Beenius
Wednesday, 18 October at 11.30
Mark your Calendar

When it comes to Pay TV market, Linux has been dominating the STB business for ages. However, the Android STBs empower operators with faster time market and more future proofed applications. What are the Pros & Cons of Android and Linux STBs will be explained.

Are we ready for the Mobile Video Revolution?
Klemen Logar, VP Sales at Beenius
Thursday, 19 October at 12.00
Mark your Calendar

In this CM|IP Panel, experts from Beenius, Witbe, Touchstream, Bitmovin and  THEO Player will be brought together to help understand what the current mobile video market looks like and examine how it is likely to evolve over the next few years. The host will ask questions around the emerging technologies that operators in this space need to understand and the underlying mechanisms needed to deliver profitability in the new mobile-centric world

Android Hybrid STB is the Future of Cable Operators
Filip Remškar, CEO at Beenius
Thursday, 19 October at 14.30
Mark your Calendar

With new technological capabilities and customer demands cable operators are challenged to adopt new value added services in order to increase their revenue, maintain customers and challenge the competitors. Mentioned will be presented through competitive advantages needed to strive in complex and competitive environments of Pay TV offerings.

Special Note from Beenius

Our team is exhibiting at the NAB Show New York, thus we invite you to book a meeting ahead and meet them at the booth #N1067 using the special guest code NY5722 for a free access to the Show.

Let’s meet up in New York!

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