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Beenius announces new dates in 2014 (February and May) for ONLINE and ON-SITE training courses, and presents new Beenius Academy leaflet.

Beenius Academy offers a great opportunity to receive complete training in a few days from the Beenius team specialists who founded and continue to develop Beesmart technology.



Training courseNext availabl dateDuration
BR-TR-1-OL: Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration ONLINE24 – 27 February 20144 days
BR-TR-3-OL: Beesmart Sales Enablemen ONLINE28 February 20141 day
BR-TR-1: Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration ON-SITE12 – 14 May 20143 days
BS-TR-2: SDK15 – 16 May 20142 days
BS-TR-3: Beesmart Sales Enablement ON-SITE16 May 20141 day

You can register for the course of your choice by submitting a registration form. After registering you will receive all relevant information on your selected Beenius Academy training course, including daily schedule, fees, payment information, and course requirements.

Beenius Academy still offers five separate courses:

BS-TR-1: Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration (3 days)
BS-TR-1 covers Beesmart installation, configuration and administration. After completing this course participants are able to independently instal, configure and maintain Beesmart. This is an ON-SITE course held at the Beenius premises in Ljubljana.

BS-TR-2: SDK (2 days)
BS-TR-2 trains participants to become developers and use Beesmart Software Development Kit. After completing this course participants are able to independently develop, integrate and deploy new IPTV applications, seamlessly integrated in the Beesmart clients and administration portal. This is an ON-SITE course held at the Beenius premises in Ljubljana.

BS-TR-3: Beesmart Sales Enablement (1 day)
This is an ON-SITE course held at the Beenius premises in Ljubljana. BS-TR-3 trains participants to become Beesmart sales consultants. After completing this course participants are able to present Beesmart and demonstrate the set of features to customers. This is an ON-SITE course held at the Beenius premises in Ljubljana.

BS-TR-1-OL: Beesmart Installation, Configuration and Administration (3 or 4 days)
This is an ONLINE version of the BS-TR-1 training course.

BS-TR-3-OL: Beesmart Sales Enablement (1 day)
This is an ONLINE version of the BS-TR-3 training course.


Find out more about Beenius Academy training courses from our new leaflet.

New Academy leaflet




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